Style Wire

1:00 PM

It's the moment you've all been waiting for! Well, okay, it's the moment that I have been waiting for, and today is the day. Style Wire is up and running! I've had the idea of starting a fashion blog in my mind for years and am finally biting the bullet, taking the plunge, and all those other cliches about getting out there and just doing it. And here it is.

Style Wire is a place where my worlds collide-- my day job in finance, my retail job on the weekends, as well as my personal style and travels. I hope Style Wire becomes a place where conversation is fostered, a source for insight and inspiration, and a home for style. You'll find the typical What I Wore Today posts, plus insights on luxury companies, retail stocks and news, book and movie reviews, product reviews, and much, much more. You can follow me on Instagram (@style_wire), Twitter (@style_wire), Trendabl (@style_wire), Pinterest (mystylewire), and Bloglovin'Special thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout this process, especially to my fantastic boyfriend. Without his encouragement, help, and inspiration, Style Wire wouldn't exist. I hope you enjoy the site and continue to read and grow with me.

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