Style Wire Means Business: 4 Ways I'm Preparing for a Career Change

9:28 PM

I'm taking the plunge guys! After spending the last several years advancing my retail career I've decided to take the opportunity to start freelancing and blogging full time. The closure of Frank + Oak has made this the perfect time for me to transition onto a new career path. I'm making a few changes along the way to improve the transition and prepare myself for what's to come...

The alarm still needs to go off at 8am: As reluctant as I am to get up, it's super important to keep a normal schedule. Yes, you're your own boss and if you really want to sleep in you can, but good things come to those who (get their ass out of bed and) hustle.

Ready your arsenal: Before I start taking on clients and accepting gigs, I'm getting all my equipment ready, cleaning out my desk, and organizing my files. I just bought a new laptop so that's good to go, but my cameras need to be cleaned and realigned, so those babies are heading back to Canon HQ. I'm also replacing and getting extra bulbs for my lighting kit, and oiling and repairing my tripod. I even ordered a whole slew of new business cards from Basic Invite! I'm ready to get to work. 

Bring out the big guns: I'm SO glad I have Verizon FIOS; with my old internet provider there were frequent outages, inferior customer support, and an inconsistent connection speed. That's no way to run a business! With Verizon FIOS I have peace of mind that I have a reliable connection with the fastest download and upload speeds. Let's be real, time is money, especially when you're a solo-preneur, I don't have time to wait for slow connections when I could be creating content and hustling new clients.

Tap into your network: It's all bout who you know, especially when you're freelancing. Look up local networking events both within and outside of your existing networks. So many of my potential clients have come via word of mouth or fellow friends and colleagues who I've networked with and told I'm looking for work.

Wish me luck! I'm really not sure what to expect from this new venture, but I'm extremely excited and looking forward to the next chapter of my career. 

This post was sponsored by VerizonFIOS. All content and opinions expressed are my own. Thanks for supporting those who support! 

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