Prepared is Powerful with Preventeza™

1:28 PM

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You wouldn't head into an exam without preparing for it, you wouldn't begin competing in a sport without training, and you wouldn't go out in the pouring rain unprepared without an umbrella and rain boots... So why should you enter a sexual situation unprepared? #PreparedIsPowerful! And with Preventeza™, being prepared for unexpected birth control failures is easier than ever.

Available at pharmacies nationwide and at, Preventeza™ is a new brand of emergency contraceptive from the Vagisil® Brand (learn more here). When taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex it can effectively help prevent unwanted pregnancy with just one pill. But don't wait for the unexpected; I strongly believe in being prepared for any mishap by incorporating Preventeza™ alongside your regular birth control arsenal.

Right now, Preventeza™ is offering a limited time Buy One Get One or Give One promotion allowing you to not only prepare yourself, but any other woman in our network who wants to be prepared. Statistically, 1 in 2 women may need to use emergency contraceptives. That's 50%, she could be your sister, a friend, a coworker, or classmate and yet, only 10% of women have ever used an emergency contraceptive. This BOGOGO offer allows you to be prepared instead of panicked when the need arises. Forget rushing to the drug store in a frenzy when there's a misstep in your contraceptive plan, keeping Preventeza™ on hand eliminates the need for any emergency plan.

It's more important than ever for women to be prepared, informed, and aware of their options, especially when it comes to sexual health and unwanted pregnancy. Preventeza™ is not a replacement for your regular birth control-- it's simply another tool in your kit. Just like I keep my rain boots and an umbrella on hand for an unexpected rainy day, I keep Preventeza™ on hand for when the unexpected may arise.

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